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Why Is January Peak Season for Divorce?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Your feelings about winter say a lot about your current life circumstances.  For some people, cocooning sounds like a dream come true.  You can cuddle your new baby and take things slowly during the brief moments when your baby is quiet and you have the energy to do anything productive.  There is not much… Read More »

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Is Gratitude the Magic Ingredient in Coping With Divorce?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

When you are recently divorced, or when your divorce is pending, it is easy to feel like none of the things you depended on for stability or your sense of self are still there.  Your savings have vanished, and while your children are legally obligated to spend certain days of the year with you… Read More »

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Can Parallel Parenting Help You Keep the Peace After Divorce?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

You have heard the horrible stories about parents becoming estranged from their children after divorce, with each parent blaming his or her ex-spouse for the breakdown of the parent-child relationship.  You would never do that, at least not intentionally, but keeping the peace with your children and your co-parent is exponentially more difficult when… Read More »

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Relying on Your Family of Origin After Divorce Isn’t Just About Money

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

It is hard to look on the bright side about divorce, but a decade or so after your divorce becomes final, you might be able to look back and see how your divorce brought you closer to your parents and siblings.  Once you were no longer a family unit with your ex-spouse, you might… Read More »

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Imputed Income and Ontario Family Law Cases

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Marital conflicts often arise when there is an apparent disconnect between one spouse’s words and his or her actions, especially when it comes to health or money.  Your spouse may go to exercise classes at the gym multiple days per week when your children are at school and travel internationally on vacation every year,… Read More »

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Looking on the Bright Side About Divorce and Finances

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Many divorced people now think of their divorce as something to celebrate, even if they were originally devastated when their spouses announced their intention to divorce.  Some people even celebrate the anniversary of their divorce, and newly divorced people sometimes have divorce parties to celebrate being single again.  It is hard to see the… Read More »

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You Might Have to Continue Paying Alimony, Even After Your Ex-Spouse Remarries

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Alimony, which is a series of payments made after divorce from the higher income ex-spouse to the lower income ex-spouse, used to be nearly universal in divorce cases two generations ago.  Divorce was rare, but most divorced women had no means of financial support except their former husbands.  Today, nearly half of marriages end… Read More »

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Labour Market Impact Assessment

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Canada is famous for its openness to immigration and its strong social support policies for citizens and permanent residents.  In other words, once you arrive in Canada, the work environment and family-friendly policies will make you want to stay.  Anyone who doesn’t mind the cold is welcome to settle in Canada and bring their… Read More »

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Ontario Marriage Annulment Laws

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Compared to some other countries, Canada lets couples’ actions speak for themselves about whether they are a family unit.  You and your partner can form a common law marriage without the court’s intervention, and you can end your marriage without the court’s intervention.  If you get legally married, and the government issues a marriage… Read More »

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Ontario Simple Divorce Laws

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Wouldn’t everyone whose marriage has broken up love to get a simple divorce?  It is easy to find advice about how to make your divorce less messy.  Some people will tell you to put aside your people-pleasing tendencies and fight for what you want in your divorce, because if you don’t, you will be… Read More »

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