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Category Archives: Family Law


Cohabitation Agreements

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Common law spouses have more rights in Canada than they do south of the border in the United States.  Since couples who have not legally formalized their marriage do not need the court’s permission to separate, the court also does not intervene in decisions about dividing their property; there is no marital property without… Read More »

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Family Mediation – Is It Right For Me?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Going to trial in your divorce case is as ugly as it sounds, but working out all of the details of your divorce with your spouse and then walking into the courthouse together to finalize your divorce as the best of friends is an unattainable ideal.  There must be some middle ground, and for… Read More »

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Your Divorce Anniversary Can Be a Time for Celebration or Self-Care

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Divorce lawyers and divorced friends may try to encourage you and cheer you up by telling you that the hardest part of divorce is while your case is pending, that it all gets easier once the court formally dissolves your marriage.  They are correct to some extent, and for the months following your divorce… Read More »

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How to Avoid Letting Your Co-Parent Get Under Your Skin

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Some couples divorce after years of a high-conflict relationship.  Ever since their oldest child was born, they could not stand to keep it to themselves when the other spouse didn’t dress the baby warmly enough for the weather or waited too long before taking a trash bag full of stinky diapers to the trash… Read More »

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When Does Spousal Support End in Ontario?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Whether you’re paying or receiving alimony in Ontario, you might be wondering when it will end. Those paying spousal support may be eagerly counting down the days till they can stop sending their exes money, while receiving spouses may be concerned about the financial impact of losing this support. The end date of spousal… Read More »

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How Addictions Affect Divorce in Ontario

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, almost 5% of the province’s population struggles with some kind of addiction-related mental health issue. This is higher than the national average of about 4%.  Addictions often appear during marriage, and in some cases they cause marriages to end. How might an addiction affect your divorce in… Read More »

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Why You Need an Ontario Family Lawyer for Marriage Contracts

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Marriage contracts get a bad name for being among the most non-romantic topics to address before getting married, but the poor reputation is not entirely deserved. The Ontario Family Law Act allows people who intend to marry to enter into an agreement in which they lay out their respective rights and duties upon separation… Read More »

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4 Things A Canada Family Lawyer Does That Are NOT Divorce

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Some people view family law and divorce in the same vein, and it is true that many cases that involve family law are for dissolution of marriage. However, divorce is just one topic covered by the Ontario Family Law Act. There are many other provisions that cover family relationships, disputes, and other issues, and… Read More »

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Constructive Trusts Protect Assets In Common Law Marriage

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Whether couples choose to get married through traditional, official channels or not, they will accumulate assets during the course of their relationship. They may acquire the home they share, other real estate, personal property, household goods, and much more. If the relationship breaks down, however, the distinction between married spouses and cohabiting partners becomes… Read More »

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Important Provisions In An Ontario Cohabitation Contract

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

The reasons Canadians decide to live together in a romantic relationship without getting married vary widely. However, many do not realize how federal and provincial family laws affect their rights. While cohabitating and unmarried, you essentially have the relationship of housemates. Once you have lived together for three years, you attain the status of… Read More »

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