Is Gratitude the Magic Ingredient in Coping With Divorce?

When you are recently divorced, or when your divorce is pending, it is easy to feel like none of the things you depended on for stability or your sense of self are still there. Your savings have vanished, and while your children are legally obligated to spend certain days of the year with you for the time being, there is no guarantee that they will be willing to continue this relationship after they reach adulthood. Family holidays are as awkward and uncomfortable as they were when you were young and single, and your former in-laws have gone from being frenemies to being foes who do not even pretend to like you. No matter how resilient you are, divorce can disturb your self-confidence. You will eventually find a new normal, and putting things in perspective helps. Of course, the short-term and long-term outcomes will be better if you get a fair share of marital property and parenting time, and it is easier to get those things with the help of a Mississauga family lawyer.
A Little Gratitude Goes a Long Way
Yes, losing a marriage is painful, especially if you were not the one who initially decided to separate. If you reflect on your current situation, you can probably think of plenty of reasons to be grateful. These are some of the things that might bring you happiness even in the worst moments of your divorce and its immediate aftermath:
- Your family that includes your children and your family of origin
- Your faith
- Independence from your former spouse, such as being able to enjoy the foods and YouTube channels that your ex always complained about
- Building a relationship with a new partner and your new partner’s family
- Your friends who have been there for you before, during, and after your marriage
- Your work which provides a source of income, as well as a daily routine and a sense of community
- Your health
Focusing on your gratitude for the things you have will make it easier to cope with the stress and instability you feel because of your divorce.
Other Things You Need Besides Gratitude
By now, everyone has heard of toxic positivity. Yes, people have lived through worse circumstances than yours, but the outcome of your divorce is partially within your control. It is worth spending time in divorce mediation, negotiating for a fair share of marital property. Everyone feels like they take a financial hit in divorce, so don’t expect to emerge from your marriage feeling rich, but having a stable housing situation and a manageable parenting plan gives you some breathing room to notice the things that are going well in your life.
Contact Zagazeta Garcia LLP About Finding Inner Peace in the Midst of Your Divorce
A family lawyer can help you with the practical aspects of co-parenting and division of marital property, so that you can focus on adjusting to a new normal. Contact Zagazeta Garcia LLP in Mississauga, Ontario to discuss your case.