Why Is January Peak Season for Divorce?

Your feelings about winter say a lot about your current life circumstances. For some people, cocooning sounds like a dream come true. You can cuddle your new baby and take things slowly during the brief moments when your baby is quiet and you have the energy to do anything productive. There is not much daytime in the Canadian winter; every time is the perfect time to watch your baby sleep, and maybe send text messages to your friends and relatives about how tired you are and how much you love your baby. If your baby is a toddler instead of a newborn, you can experiment with complicated recipes while your baby turns an empty cardboard box in the living room into a train, a tent, and all kinds of other things that make sense to a toddler’s imagination. If your spouse is cheating on you or has moved out, though, the winter fears like an amorphous monster scarier than anything that might make its features visible. This is part of the reason that January is peak season for new divorce filings. If winter has dragged on long enough, and you feel stuck figuring out how to proceed with your divorce, contact a Mississauga family lawyer.
Filing for Divorce Can Feel Like a New Start
If you have spent the cold days feeling too bummed out to do anything but scroll through online content about divorce, then you are probably familiar with the phenomenon of Divorce Monday. This is the name that family lawyers and family law content creators give to the first business Monday in January, meaning the first Monday that isn’t New Year’s Day. This year, Divorce Monday was on January 6. According to an urban legend, the courts receive more divorce filings on Divorce Monday than any other day of the year, and family lawyers receive more queries from new clients who plan to file for divorce.
Of the people who choose to participate in Divorce Monday, some do it for practical reasons. They have been planning to divorce for months, and both spouses are in on the decision; you might even say that they have been consciously uncoupling. Filing the divorce petition at the beginning of the year makes a clean break between last year, when they were married, and this year, when they are on their way to being divorced. For others, the divorce filing, or more likely, the first contact with a divorce lawyer, is more of a personal New Year’s resolution. The client is determined to get out of an unhappy marriage or has decided to take a definitive step of breaking the cycle of futile attempts to reconcile with his or her estranged spouse.
Contact Zagazeta Garcia LLP About Getting Started on Your Divorce
A family lawyer can help you if you missed the boat on Divorce Monday but are determined to make progress on your divorce this year. Contact Zagazeta Garcia LLP in Mississauga, Ontario to discuss your case.