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Your Divorce Anniversary Can Be a Time for Celebration or Self-Care

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Divorce lawyers and divorced friends may try to encourage you and cheer you up by telling you that the hardest part of divorce is while your case is pending, that it all gets easier once the court formally dissolves your marriage.  They are correct to some extent, and for the months following your divorce… Read More »

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How to Avoid Letting Your Co-Parent Get Under Your Skin

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Some couples divorce after years of a high-conflict relationship.  Ever since their oldest child was born, they could not stand to keep it to themselves when the other spouse didn’t dress the baby warmly enough for the weather or waited too long before taking a trash bag full of stinky diapers to the trash… Read More »

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Language Testing for Immigration to Canada

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Even though Canada’s two official languages are English and French, many Canadians do not speak either of these languages as their first language.  Just over 55 percent of the population of Canada is native English speakers, while native French speakers account for 20 percent.  This means that nearly a quarter of the people who… Read More »

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Being KIND Is the Key to Successful Co-Parenting, Even When Your Ex Is Acting Like a Jerk

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Dealing with difficult people is part of being an adult.  Little children get visibly upset whenever their favorite swing on the playground isn’t available, or whenever someone won’t share with them, but growing up means figuring out which of life’s inconveniences are worth fighting about.  Likewise, having a successful marriage means knowing when to… Read More »

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Different Types of Co-Parenting in Ontario

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Ontario law holds that all children have the right to a safe and stable home life.  Except in extraordinary circumstances, the courts consider that it is in the children’s best interest to have a close relationship with both of their legal parents, as well as with extended family members.  If you are divorced from… Read More »

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Inadmissibility Is Not Always a Deal Breaker in Your Immigration Case

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

“Inadmissible” is not a word you want to hear in the context of your immigration case.  If you are outside the United States and applying for a visa, it means that USCIS has a legally valid reason to reject your application.  If you are already in the United States, then being inadmissible amounts to… Read More »

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Do Canadian Provinces Have Their Own Divorce Laws?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Canada’s provincial system may seem similar to the United States geographically, but it is markedly different from a legislative point of view. Divorce in Canada is determined by a mixture of federal and provincial laws that can be confusing to many spouses. When approaching divorce in Canada, it’s important to understand which specific federal… Read More »

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When Does Spousal Support End in Ontario?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Whether you’re paying or receiving alimony in Ontario, you might be wondering when it will end. Those paying spousal support may be eagerly counting down the days till they can stop sending their exes money, while receiving spouses may be concerned about the financial impact of losing this support. The end date of spousal… Read More »

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Is It Easier to Emigrate to the United States from Canada?

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

Emigrating to the United States is a top goal for many people around the globe, and Canada has emerged as a popular entry point for these individuals. Is there any benefit to emigrating to the United States from Canada rather than from your home nation? What happens if you move to Canada first before… Read More »

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How Addictions Affect Divorce in Ontario

By Zagazeta Garcia LLP |

According to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, almost 5% of the province’s population struggles with some kind of addiction-related mental health issue. This is higher than the national average of about 4%.  Addictions often appear during marriage, and in some cases they cause marriages to end. How might an addiction affect your divorce in… Read More »

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