Tips On Preparing Children For The Ontario Divorce Process

Divorce is not just the end of a marriage. For parents with children, the process impacts the entire family. From the time period before filing to the proceedings in court to entry of the final decree, kids face lifestyle disruptions that can have long-term implications. Research indicates that teens and adolescents often experience depression, anxiety, and mood swings, while younger children may be confused by the new family dynamic. These consequences can carry over to adulthood in the form of mental disorders and social struggles.
However, there is equal information showing how divorce can benefit children, as it often spells the end of conflict and hostilities. When parents develop a solid strategy for addressing their needs and challenges, children can emerge from the process with a bright – albeit different – future. With a Mississauga divorce lawyer to assist with essential legal tasks, you can focus on tips for preparing children for the process.
Create a United Front
Though your relationship is over, always remember you remain parents. Consider yourselves a team, and winning the game means raising a healthy, well-rounded, socially adjusted child. It helps to collaborate on rules, schedules, and routines for consistency between households.
Communicate Purposefully
Keeping in mind that you are partners in raising your child, keep conversations between you focused on this specific topic. Do not allow bitterness, resentment, blame, or guilt enter the picture. The other key aspect of communication is between you and your child. Make sure to keep discussions positive, answer questions, and provide information that will help your child understand what to expect.
Know the Stressors
For some children, the breakdown of the marriage is not the most profound impact of divorce. Instead, the stress may come through:
- Changes to the routine;
- Moving to a new home;
- Switching to a new school; and
- Being further away from friends.
You may not be able to eliminate these stressors, but knowing what they are can help you ease the implications for your child.
Keep Physical and Mental Health in Check
In addition to emotional effects, some studies have revealed that children of divorce are more prone to illness, injury, and accidents. As a result, parents should make sure kids get their annual checkups, including vision and dental. If your child is experiencing substantial struggles in coping with divorce, you may need to consider help from a mental health professional.
Do Your Best to Agree
Ontario courts allow parents to come to an agreement on child custody and visitation, and resolving these issues through compromise alleviates some of the stress for children. The most important legal requirement is ensuring the agreement serves the child’s best interests.
An Ontario Divorce Lawyer Will Tackle the Legal Tasks
These tips are useful in preparing children for their new reality, and you can see the advantages of attempting to work out an agreement. For more information, please call the Mississauga divorce lawyers at Zagazeta Garcia Lawyers LLP at 905-232-0398 or visit our website to set up a free consultation.